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International Entrepreneurships
Getting Started
Welcome to the MC IE Group (0:26)
The MemberClouds Website
Private WhatsApp Group: - Closed
Private WhatsApp Groups 2019
Private Facebook Group
Welcome to the International Entrepreneurs Group
Our Slack Group
Big Picture Intro
What Will be Covered in this Course
Who Am I?
Who Are You? - Part 1
Improving Yourself
First Steps
Join us on Discord instead of WhatsApp
Our Twitch Channel
MCIE Forums
Intro to MCIE
Day 1 - Historical Background
Day 2 - Historical Background
Day 3 - Why I started I.E.
Day 4 - Intro to Innovation
Day 5 - The Master Plan
Day 6 - Tools and Resources
Day 7 - Behind the Scenes
Day 8 - Marketing!
Day 9 - Cryptocurrency and Digital Money
Day 9 - Part 2
Day 9 - Part 3
Q:`What do you want to get out of being in this group?
The International Business Model
2018 Podcasts
Day Zero - Overview of Changes to MCIE in 2018
Day 1 - Happy New Year - Day # 1 of 2018
Day 2 - What was biggest thing you learned this past year (2017)?
Day 3 - What stage of the Entrepreneur Journey are you at?
Day 4 - How do you plan to take your business to the next level?
Day 5 - What is your vision for your business?
Day 6 - What is the best business advice you have every gotten?
Day 7 - Why are you either an entrepreneur or want to be one?
Day 8 - Would you like me to continue doing a podcast a day or once a week?
Day 9 - What is the best way to reach your customer?
Day 10 - Podcast # 10
Jan 21st: Podcast #11
Jan. 22nd: Big Announcement
Day 25 - Let's Talk About Marketing
Day 30 - Why are you either an entrepreneur or want to be one?
Working Hard (11:04)
What's the Future of Work?
Time Management
Weekly Updates
[Weekly Update] Sept. 30: The Next 3 Years (7:41)
[Weekly Update] Oct. 8: Upcoming Changes (4:58)
[Weekly Update] Oct 15, 2017 - Update (4:51)
[Weekly Update] Oct 30, 2017 (8:28)
[Weekly Update] Nov. 25: What do you want to Learn or Teach?
[Weekly Update] Dec. 24: Merry Christmas
[Weekly Update] Dec. 23: It's Christmas Time (2:04)
[Weekly Update] Dec. 31: The "Last" Video of the Year? (4:40)
[Weekly Update] Jan. 1: Happy New Year
[Weekly Update] Jan. 2: The 2018 Daily Footprints Project! (4:38)
[Weekly Update] Jan. 5: MCIE 2018 Structure & Core Team (13:30)
[Weekly Updates] Jan. 7 (16:45)
[Weekly Updates] Jan. 14 (15:31)
[Weekly Updates] Jan. 21
[Weekly Updates] Jan.27: Interviews are coming in Feb. 2018 (6:54)
[Weekly Updates] Feb. 17: The Direction of MCIE (4:58)
[Weekly Updates] March 3: Upcoming Changes (5:11)
[Weekly Updates] March 17: Announcing New Courses (1:37)
How To Learn From Pressure and Stress
My Realities, Principles & Philosophy
MCIE 2.0 Pre-Launch Video
[Jan 3, 2018] The Entrepreneurs Show - Episode #1
[Jan 5, 2018] The Entrepreneurs Show - Episode #2
[Jan 5, 2018] The Entrepreneurs Show - Episode #2 - Part 2
[Jan 11, 2018] @ShamasArelius on being an Entrepreneur | #EntrepreneurshipShow 4
[Jan 14, 2019] AMA & FAQ's
Company Structures
Sole Proprietorships
S Corporations
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Cryptocurrency - Digital Money of the Future
Where to Buy Bitcoin
What is Crypto?
Buy Litecoin
Start Staking
Learn More
Why You Should Buy Bitcoin!
What are your thoughts on Segwit2x?
In Canada?
IOTA vs. Bitcoin
New Crypto$ Online Course
Exchanges - Part 1
Exchanges - Part 2 -- Finance with a B
Exchanges - Part 3
Exchange #4 - Brand New!
On my way to a Crypto Currency Meet Up (9:49)
What mining Crypto look like ... (2:21)
Intro to Innovation
Innovation & Design
What is Innovation?
Innovating Google Maps
Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence
Inventions (7:08)
Are you looking for a partner in a innovative business idea?
Good Leaders Are Good Learners
Impostor Syndrome
Conscious Leadership
Checking out some good books on Leadership (3:35)
Fire Yourself!
What kind of Manager are you?
Are you Listening?
Support Us
Profound Ideation Inc.
Linkedin Recommendations
Keep Learning
The Sales+Tech Landscape
The Entrepreneur's Best Kept Secret!
Become a FaceBook Marketing Maestro!
Free Retro Vectors
Need Hosting?
Business Suite
Grow your Social Network
Best Recommended Online Web Hosts
25 Free Photoshop Image Processing Actions
Best FREE Team Collaboration Tool for Projects
FREE Interns
Working on your Business
Email Marketing
Why Video Marketing?
Mobile Website
Intro to Funnels
Benefits of Online Video Marketing
Getting Help
Questions you need to answer
What have you done with your life?
Do you ever feel uncomfortable when selling?
What do you think is the best way to charge a client for your work?
What are the characteristics that you think an entrepreneur must have?
What are the characteristics that you have that are suited in becoming an entrepreneur?
What do you think are some benefits of having your own business?
What is your main goal of being in this group?
Why do/did you want to start you own business?
Do you have any entrepreneurial tendencies ?
Are you an innovator?
Have you ever hired anyone?
Do you ever feel you might be in the wrong business?
Having trouble getting the attention of business owners?
How Do You Start Your Day Right?
How to find your perfect clients
Do you have the drive to push yourself everyday?
What are the bad habits that you are willing to change in order to be a better entrepreneur?
25/9/2017 - What are the sacrifices that you are willing to make for this entrepreneurial journey?
26/9/2017 - What do different entrepreneur that you know have in common?
27/9/2017 - Do you consider yourself as a problem solver?
28/9/2017 - Are there anyone else you know who is also in the same position as you when it comes to starting a business?
29/9/2017 - What are the capitals that you need to begin that business?
30/9/2017 - What are the resources that you have so far that you can use to start that business?
1/10/2017 - What do you want people to known you for?
2/10/2017 - Share the names of a few entrepreneurs you respect and follow. & Tell us why.
3/10/2017 - What are some special skills that you have that you can stand out from the rest of the crowd?
4/10/2017 - What do you know about starting a business so far?
5/10/2017 - Will you regret it if your Business fails?
6/10/2017 - How do you plan to do it when starting that business?
7/10/2017 - What is your first step?
8/10/2017 - Are you on planning doing this business as sole proprietorship or partnership?
9/10/2017 - What would you plan on outsourcing, if anything?
10/10/2017 - Will you be able to handle the pressure when going through tough times?
11/10/2017 - What are the resources that you need to start your online or offline business?
12/10/2017 - What are the things that you need to manage in a business?
Have you ever started a Business?
14/10/2017 - What kind of business would you be looking to start, Online or Offline?
15/10/2017 - What are your short term business plans?
16/10/2017 - What are your long term business plans?
17/10/2017 - What is your niche?
18/10/2017 - What are your budgets for this business?
19/10/2017 - How are you planning to expand your social network?
20/10/2017 - Do you have the patient to wait before your business becomes successful?
21/10/2017 - Do you think this is the right time for you to start this business?
22/10/2017 - What do you do if you don't have enough capital to start that business
23/10/2017 - How are you planning driving traffic to your business?
24/10/2017 - Are there any demands for your business?
25/10/2017 - What are the biggest challenges that you are facing right now?
26/10/2017 - What's stopping you from starting that business? (if there is any)
27/10/2017 - How are you planning to market your business?
28/10/2017 - What are the resources that you can get to help growing your business?
30/10/2017 - Do you think your business scalable? How do you think you can grow your business?
31/10/2017 - Do you see yourself doing it in 5 years?
1/11/2017 - How well do you think your business will work?
2/11/2017 - Who do you think would be willing to pay for your service?
3/11/2017 - How are you planning to providing value to your clients?
4/11/2017 - How are you planning on telling your clients that they need to rely on your services?
5/11/2017 - How much money will your start-up cost?
6/11/2017 - What is the best way to reach your customer?
7/11/2017 - What can you learn from the successful entrepreneur?
8/11/2017 - What impact do you think your business can make to this world?
9/11/2017 - Will you still start your business if money is not an issue?
10/11/2017 - What are the things that you are willing to sacrifice in order to make this business work?
11/11/2017 - How serious are you in starting your business?
12/11/2017 - What is your routine going to be like once your business takes off?
13/11/2017 - What do you want your dream life to look like?
14/11/2017 - What are the companies that you know have failed?
15/11/2017 - What is your favourite social media platform?
16/11/2017 - Are you starting this business to make money or to do what you love?
17/11/2017 - What are your gifts, talents, strengths, and skills?
18/11/2017 - Tell us about your passions and hobbies
19/11/2017 - What have you, do or will you bring to our team?
20/11/2017 - How much cash will you have at risk when starting your business?
21/11/2017 - Do you currently have other obligations that will prevent you from giving the business 100 percent?
22/11/2017 - Would there be a much better time for you to start a business other than now?
23/11/2017 - What are your alternatives if you don’t start a business now?
24/11/2017 - What are the chances of your success?
25/11/2017 - If your business doesn’t work out, how easily will you be able to pick yourself up and move along to the next endeavour?
26/11/2017 - Suppose your business provides less income than you expected. How long should you stick with it?
27/11/2017 - Are you looking at starting a business from a position of relative strength?
28/11/2017 - Are you afraid of starting a Business? Why or why not?
29/11/2017 - Do you have a great idea upon which to start a business?
30/11/2017 - What Is your Unique Selling Proposition?
1/12/2017 - What's your New Year Resolution?
[2-12-17] Who is the most stupid?
Are you stuck?
How do you know when it's time to go in a different direction?
Jan.1: What three things you are curious to know more about?
Jan.2: What was biggest thing you learned this past year (2017)?
Jan.3: What stage of the Entrepreneur Journey are you at?
Jan.4: How do you plan to take your business to the next level?
Jan.5 - What is your vision for your business?
Jan.6: What is the best business advice you have every gotten?
Jan.7 - Why are you either an entrepreneur or want to be one?
Jan.8: Would you like me to continue doing a podcast a day or once a week?
Jan.9: What is the best way to reach your customer?
Jan.10: In what ways does your business 'Give Back' to the community?
Jan.11: What was one of the most interesting things you have learned in the last 2-5 years?
Jan.12: What was one of your most challenging moments? Why?
Jan.13: What are some personal side projects you are working on this year? How did it benefit your work / life or the World?
Jan.14: What advice would you offer someone else who is starting to be an entrepreneur?
Jan.15: What is your main goal for being in this group?
Jan.16: What do you want to get out of it
Jan.17: When all everything is falling apart, where or from whom do you seek for help?
Jan.18: What do you think are the most important or crucial things you have done or need to do to grow your business?
Jan.19: Have you read any good books recently about Entrepreneurship or business development? Please share the name and author.
Jan.20: What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?
Jan.21: What can we (I / MCIE) do to for you?
Jan.22: What is your passion?
Jan 23: If you had the chance to start your career / businesss over again, what would you do differently?
Jan 24: How do you usually generate new ideas?
Jan.25: When things get tough, what do you do?
Jan.26: Who would like to be interviewed in Feb. 2018
Jan.27: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Jan.28: What Factors Do You Consider Most Often When Planning for the Future?
Jan.29: What have you tried and failed?
Jan.30: If I could master one skill in 2018, what would it be? Why?
What are some of the most efficient way of promoting a brand?
Personal Branding
Case Studies
Instagram Trends
Holographic SEO (14:52)
Auto Repair Video
FREE Book - 108 Proven Split Test that Works!
Real Estate Mastermind Plan - Part 1
Real Estate Mastermind Plan - Part 2
DARPA, NIH, Oxford "human superfuel"
[FREE Resource] The Ultimate YouTube SEO Cheat-Sheet
"What" is the Wrong Question
You need to decide
Rethinking Marketing!
Do you have Funnels?
What Do You Really Want To Learn? (5:27)
What is your Category?
How to Network with others at Local Events
Why Networking in Person is Important (6:38)
Wanna to learn to use Linkedin for Business, Sales and Marketing?
Web Design & Development
Learn Web Design
Make your Own Website
Web Development (5:25)
Learn Coding
Thoughts on AngularJS
What should you learn before programming?
Weekly Webinars
Are you a speaker or want to be?
Being Social
Social Media - Table of Contents
Google Hangouts
Social Media - Part 1
Social Media - Part 2
Our Network of Groups
International Mastermind Group (Original)
The Canada Mastermind Group
Slack Group
FaceBook Group
YouTube Channel
WhatsApp Group
Our Telegram IM
Improve Yourself
Need a Job?
Read as many books as you can!
Plan or Plan to Fail
Introduction to Improving Yourself!
Q: When all everything is falling apart, where do you seek for help?
(FREE Book) How to Build an Online Empire from Scratch | Expert Secrets!
Learn More by Being a Teacher
Don't expect things for free (21:41)
What was the best advice you’ve ever received?
What was the worst advice you’ve ever received?
Let's Make Some Money
Are you 21?
BTC investments - Step 1
Bitcoin Moon #1
LTC Moon
Make Money "Watching" Videos
10 ways to start Making Money!
10 hot startups ideas
Accept Credit Cards & Payments From Your Phone
Wanna Freelance Remotely?
Bitcoin Faucet
Exploring Scientific Advertising
What skills do you wish you had when you started out?
Never Give Up!
Get Help
Growth Hacking
Drones & the Future (12:42)
Let's Talk about the Future! (8:17)
Don't be a solopreneur! (6:46)
The Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Bundle
Could you start a Company in Canada?
Should you move to Canada?
The Transition
Running on own Business
Being An Entrepreneur (15:32)
Being Self-Employed
Books you should read (3:05)
The #1 Skill of an Entrepreneur
Is E-Commerce A Fad?
Is E-Commerce A Fad? - Part 2
Updates + Q & A's (Saturday Aug. 22, 2015)
Starting Your Online Business
Intro to this mini-course
1. What is Internet Marketing? (6:45)
2. Starting With Solid Foundations (10:26)
3. Introducing Content Marketing (9:38)
4. A Basic Introduction to Social Media Marketing (10:52)
5. An Introduction to SEO Part 1 (7:12)
6. An Introduction to SEO Part 2 (4:38)
7. An Introduction to PPC (5:28)
What's Next
Creating Your Own Information Products
Create Your Own Product: (Contest + Online Course) (4:59)
Future Courses we are working on
Facebook Marketing Maestro
More Tools and Resources From Profound Ideation Inc.
[Courses] Instagram Stories -- Coming Soon
Daily Check-in's (2:36)
Online Courses
I'm going to make more podcasts
Amazon's Big Bet On AR/VR is called Sumerian
[Courses] MCIE 2.0 -- Coming Soon
The New Business Model
Change Your Thoughts & the World
Vision & Mission (9:23)
Health & Fitness (0:24)
What surprised you the most about your entrepreneurial journey?
[Big Data] Business & Industry
Exploring Data Science
Simplified Data Preparation
Open Data's Global Impact
Comment on the value of a university education in this day and age!
What is the Future of Education?
Health & Fitness
Earn your favourite points. Make healthy lifestyle choices.
Sweat for Coins
New Online Course
MCIE 2.0
Welcome to MCIE 2.0
Bitcoin Moon #1
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